4 min readMar 28, 2022


Due Diligence,

A person that does their due diligence before investing in a venture is one to be admired and emulated. Due Diligence is a comprehensive appraisal of a business undertaken by a prospective buyer, especially to establish its assets and liabilities and evaluate its commercial potential.

The best way out is always through~ Robern Frost

The purpose of this article was to meet the rising concern I have seen and heard over the years from the term- Pyramid Scheme or hizo vitu ( loosely translated those things)

It is not enough to state facts to a traumatized prospect from past investments that went south or sideways. “Just because you ate bad food at a restaurant does not make all restaurants bad”. This is never well received at least in my experience. If you saw the sweat beads that form on the nose, followed by heavy breathing, shriek and angry voice rebuking me, and what’s worse get blocked on the socials or phone - one risks losing a friend, family or even a spouse in these moments. I recall putting out prayers on several occasions for healing from the trauma for the business prospects amid these conversations. Obviously followed by my personal input; “may the fire burn those that have presented pyramids! May they be crippled, they that have made people lose money. Spitting fire and Palm to back of neck kicking imaginary objects in frustration. Today the schemers are either dead, walking dead or are seeking asylum as aliases around the world.

Free Tip* All pyramid schemes eventually collapse, and most investors lose their money.

It is sad that a remarkable percentage of the populace will hear non of it due to misguided ways of conducting the business , sad indeed considering how popular this business model is becoming not just in the Americas. According to Ventaforce-In 2020 and beyond, the network marketing industry is slated to remain one of the highest-earning industries in the global economic diaspora. According to Business for home Global sales force is 125.4 million independent representatives/distributors, a 4.3% increase over 2019. This figure includes more than 65 million Independent Representatives who are actively working to build their direct selling businesses either as a full-time career or part-time to earn supplemental income.

My dear wellness champions, and followers in this journey, allow me to highlight some of the hallmarks of a pyramid scheme. I pray that light may come to you and yours and allow you to tap into post pandemic online/ Direct selling/ Ecommerce and MLM THRIVING businesses without reservations as your beliefs will determine your actions and hence achieve optimum wellness.

If it looks like a duck quacks like a duck it is a duck

Emphasis on recruiting. If a program focuses solely on recruiting others to join the program for a fee, it is likely a pyramid scheme. Be skeptical if you will receive more compensation for recruiting others than for product sales.

No genuine product or service is sold. Exercise caution if what is being sold as part of the business is hard to value, like so-called “tech” services or products such as mass-licensed e-books or online advertising on little-used websites. Some fraudsters choose fancy-sounding “products” to make it harder to prove the company is a bogus pyramid scheme.

Promises of high returns in a short time period. Be skeptical of promises of fast cash — it could mean that commissions are being paid out of money from new recruits rather than revenue generated by product sales.

Easy money or passive income. There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you are offered compensation in exchange for doing little work such as making payments, recruiting others, or placing online advertisements on obscure websites, you may be part of an illegal pyramid scheme.

No demonstrated revenue from retail sales. Ask to see documents, such as financial statements audited by a certified public accountant (CPA), showing that the company generates revenue from selling its products or services to people outside the program. As a general rule, legitimate MLM companies derive revenue primarily from selling products, not from recruiting members.

Complex commission structure. Be concerned unless commissions are based on products or services that you or your recruits sell to people outside the program. If you do not understand how you will be compensated, be cautious.

I must do those things that others won’t so that tomorrow I will do what others can’t. So I dared, I did my due diligence and hence I can confidently tell all who will do things others won’t- All boxes check out!

You my lifestyle guru already know about the Safe home revolution as well as our world class Fashion Accessories. Get shopping with our both need and want products. Yes you can also have your very own free shop and refer anyone anywhere in the world - after all it’s e-commerce.

Stay Forensic and fuel your energy. I especially like this statement by the Forensic Networker; ​If you think your MLM business is still a choice, you are wrong. MLM is no longer a choice, it is the last bastion of the free enterprise and the last chance for the world masses to find freedom.

Follow our pages karimiwellness for a holistic approach to wellness.

Life does not Sustain, if you are not getting better-you are getting worse.

~Ramin Mesgarlou

Done and Dusted




CEO Karimi Wellness | Bespoke Travel Planner | Independent Partner | Lover of health and life